The RealDeal®
Science Forum of Debates

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  • We have posted below, in the next section, the General Overview of the main engine of our Publication --our Issues for Debates concept.







  Site Overview Of

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...there is no better way to "purify" and
consolidate the growth of a science than
through continuous and vigorous debates



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I. Issues for Debates as the Engine of our Publication


Issues for Debates associated with each field of study (Physics, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, and Philosophy) shall be posted for consideration as they represent the engine of our publication. Whenever possible or feasible, a variety of viewpoints shall be sought to be presented for a particular issue through a debating type structure described below. Because of their clashing nature, many of these viewpoints will be knocked out in their early rounds of debates. The most resilient and enduring viewpoints will eventually be able to form the seeds for the foundation of the issue or subject at hand.


The category of an Issue for Debates presented will correspond and be associated to one of these five (5) sections

1. The RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries;
2. The RealDeal® Theoretical Studies;
3. The RealDeal® Discovery Reports;
4. The RealDeal® Focus Line: Science vs. Society, Religion; and
5. The RealDeal® Historical Scrutinies.

which are our so-called "Core" sections.


Foundational issues are presented in our Foundational Inquiries section. Issues related to particular parts of a theory, with derivation of a result or formula from a theory or, with interpretation of a theoretical result of a theory of Nature or Philosophy are presented in our Theoretical Studies section. Issue related to the interpretation of various discovery reports are presented in our Discovery Reports section. Various social, cultural, moral, or ethical issues concerning Science and Society, Science and Religion, Science and Philosophy are presented in our Focus Line section. And finally, historical issues involving various interpretations of facts based on the available historical documents are presented in our Historical Scrutinies section. Thus, all Issues for Debates shall belong to a particular "Core" Section of our publication, be that Foundational Inquiries, Theoretical Studies, Discovery Reports, Focus Line, or Historical Scrutinies.


Commentaries, observations, remarks, and succinct viewpoints and critical notes with respect to the various Issues for Debates shall be placed in our Forum Letters section associated with a respective field (Physics, Astronomy, etc.). When the issue involved refers or is applicable to all fields (Physics, Astronomy, and so on), it shall be placed in the HomePage site of the Forum Letters. When the issue involved pertains to a particular field only, it shall be placed in the page of that particular field.


In fact, in general, when an Issue for Debates shall pertain to all fields (Physics, Astronomy, and so on), it shall be placed in the HomePage site of that respective section whose type the said issue corresponds. When, on the other hand, an issue presented refers only to a particular field (such as Physics, or Astronomy, and so on), it shall be placed in the site of that respective field corresponding to the section of the issue involved. For instance, a foundational issue in Physics shall be placed in the Foundational Inquiries page corresponding to Physics, a foundational issue in Biology shall be placed in the Foundational Inquiries page corresponding to Biology, and so on.


II. On the Rounds of Debates and The List and Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.


The very first article to be published in response to a posted Issue for Debate shall have as its purpose and scope, whenever possible or feasible, to stir the subject at hand by inciting and challenging the established or prevailing theory or view and when necessary carrying the devil's advocate point of view. When no prevailing viewpoint or theory exists with respect to a particular subject for debate, the said very first article shall have the same scope and purpose namely to stir the interest in the subject at hand by presenting its daring point of view. For a lack of a better term, this very first article is called the Initial Stirring article. Following this article, the next article to be published with respect to the issue at hand is an article designed to annihilate, demolish, and freeze in its tracks the Initial Stirring article published, and whenever possible or feasible, to present the subject of discussion through a different light and perspective &endash;&endash;that provided by the majority or the prevailing view. Again for a lack of a better term, this first counter article shall be called the Initial Countering article. As stated, the principal purpose and scope of an Initial Countering article is to annihilate, demolish and freeze in its tracks the Initial Stirring article. These two (2) initial articles, the Stirring and the Countering articles, shall form the foundation for all debates to follow with respect to the issue at hand. Because of this, these initial articles are referred also as the ground-level articles as they define the groundwork for the respective debate to follow.

As an academic exercise of the highest order, one or a group of authors can present simultaneously both an Initial Stirring article and an Initial Countering article as there is no requirement to have different authors for different points of view. Furthermore, pursuant to our Publication Policy (see, for more detail our Publication Policy site which can be accessed from our Science's Front Page), one or both of these initial articles can be written as anonymous, and the author(s) at any time can reveal thereafter, if so desired, the author's identity.

It is perhaps worth noting that one of the most celebrated such academic exercises of presenting both, head-to-head, opposing viewpoints based on impeccable rationales was presented by the greatest rational thinker of all time, Immanuel Kant, through his famous four (4) thesis and antithesis propositions grouped into his celebrated Antinomy of Pure Reason.

Any articles to follow up in response to the ground-level, initial articles are called Debating articles. We will have numbered rounds of debates, Round 1 of debate, Round 2 of debate, etc., up to and including Round 5. No Issue for Debates shall be sustained for more than five (5) rounds. If an Issue for Debates reaches the five (5) rounds limit with outstanding lingering problems still persisting, then those outstanding problems shall be grouped and articulated as needed and placed, as a unit, into our List or Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions following this criteria: if the Issue of Debates in question is from our Foundational Inquiries it shall be placed in the List, if not (i.e., if it is from Theoretical Studies, Discovery Reports, Focus Line, or Historical Scrutinies) it shall be placed into the Auxiliary List. A notable exception to this rule may apply to certain issues derived from the Theoretical Studies section, if it appears that those issues can transcend into other subjects or fields of studies, and thus, in a sense can be considered as fundamental. Theory of Gravity, for instance, is such an example.

An Issue for Debates, may not need to wait five (5) rounds of debates before it can be posted in the List or Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solution, if it appears that no answers currently exist with respect to the said issue or that the irreconcilable viewpoints presented cannot be shaken from their respective grounds. In such a situation, an Issue for Debates posted shall be moved to the List or Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.



III. On the Status, Form of Presentation, and the Subject Reference Folder Associated With an Issue for Debates


A posted Issue for Debates can have one of these five (5) self-explanatory statutes:

  • Inactive [Nothing written on the subject as yet],
  • Inactive [Initial articles only],
  • Active [Rounds of debates in progress],
  • Closed [Issue settled and/or resolved], and
  • Transferred [To the List or The Auxiliary List]

according to the specific situation that such an Issue of Debates is in.

All Issues for Debates shall have an outer short form of presentation and an in-depth exposure of the subject at hand. The outer short forms are always visible and exposed in the page and are called synopses. To reach the in-depth presentation of an Issue of interest, you click on the Pondering-man Icon associated with the respective Issue located at the top left side of the issues' presentation.

As noted, an Issue for Debate of a particular "Core" Section belonging to a particular Field (Physics, Astronomy) can be argued in two (2) places:

i) -first and foremost through organized Rounds of Debates posted in the Site of the respective Field associated with the "Core" Sections it belongs to, and
ii) -second, summarily, in the Forum Letters associated with the respective field.

The totality of all articles and letters corresponding to a particular Issue for Debates shall be grouped into a Subject Reference Folder for that topic. Thus, to each and every Issue for Debates posted, a corresponding Subject Reference Folder shall be associated with it. All the material accumulated for a particular Subject Reference Folder shall be organized in the chronological order that it was received. The status of a Subject Reference Folder shall correspond to the status of the Issue for Debates that it represents. To access to the Subject Reference Folder you simply click on its Icon located at the bottom of the Issue's presentation.




IV. On Standards and Requirements Imposed on All Articles Submitted in Response to an Issue for Debates


1) All articles presenting or challenging an idea, theory, or point of view are put first and foremost to the rigorous test of determining whether they conform to our standards of employing exclusively Rational Thinking and of being free of speculations, beliefs, and logical inferences based on analogies, speculations, or conjectures. Only those articles which pass this test in conjunction with the requirements set in our Publication Policy can and will be published here.

2) The Initial Stirring article is unique both in its scope, importance, and in its form of presentation as its main function is to stir and provoke a debate for the issue at hand from the standpoint of challenging an established or accepted point of view. This is not an easy task: first to be accepted as a credible challenge, and second to be able to mount some sort of attack towards the existing established theory or a point of view in question. The success of an Initial Stirring article shall rest in its ability to sustain the avalanche of opposition attempting to kill its stand. The most successful Initial Stirring articles will be the ones capable of carrying the debate all the way to the end through all five (5) rounds of debates and eventually reaching our highest pinnacle, The List or The Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.

3) The first article challenging the Initial Stirring View is called, for a lack of a better term, the Initial Countering Article and its corresponding view is called the Countering View. In response to an Initial Stirring view we can have more than one Initial Countering Article but their views collectively still will be known as the Countering View.

a) Upon accepting and publishing one or more challenges to an Initial Stirring Article, this in itself will not be able to knockout the initial idea, theory, or point of view, known, as stated, as the Stirring View, if logically both views can coexist together notwithstanding their opposing standpoints. In such a situation, both opposing viewpoints, the Stirring and the Countering views, will reside within the subject at hand enriching considerably the respective subject. A splendid example of such a situation is given by the most celebrated scientific clash in the History of Physics, that governing the Theory of Light with respect to its nature: corpuscular vs. undulatory. Rather than to eliminate one view over the other, because of their opposing viewpoints, we consider light as behaving in certain situations like a train of minuscule particles (corpuscular view) and in other situations like a wave (undulatory view). The key here, why we are not eliminating one view over another, is that we have different circumstances for different behaviors and not the same circumstance for different behaviors. This distinction is paramount and needs to be magnified as it will guide us well in determining the feasibility of an idea, theory, or point of view. Always we will need to keep in mind the domain of applicability of an idea, theory, or point of view, and never ever to lose sight of this and extrapolate its range of applicability to other areas and domains without justification. If a physical law or a theory is discovered to exist for a certain situation but not another, for a class of objects but not another, this does not mean that the said physical law or theory in question is wrong or incorrect because it is not able to cover all types of situations and all classes of objects but rather it means that the said physical law or theory is valid for a particular class of objects or for a particular situation. It is because of this that we accept both the corpuscular and the undulatory theory of light, recognizing that each theory applies to different situations and set of circumstances. This recognition and realization is paramount indeed and should, as stated, never escape from our sight.

b) Should, on the other hand, a challenge to a Stirring View be based on attacking the idea, theory, or point of view at its foundation, at the manner it acquired its results and conclusions, at aberration in its logic and logical inconsistencies, at the weakness of its arguments, then such a challenge has the potential to give a mortal blow to the entire Stirring View. In such a case, if no contest to the challenge is presented by the original author(s) or by its supporters of the Stirring View, the said idea, theory or point of view shall be removed from any further considerations and the Initial Stirring Article will be placed into a Site entitled Dismissed Views. Should however a viable contest be presented to the challenge received, then, as indicated above, a "bout" up to five (5) rounds of debates back-and-forth between the two clashing views shall be commenced and this, in itself, represents a significant achievement for the Stirring View. If no clear winner appear to emerge at the end of these debates, they would be placed in our most distinguished place --the List or Auxiliary List for further attention and special consideration.













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